An interview with new AWESOME Leader, Regina Barcena… 

May 16, 20245 minute read

We’re thrilled to introduce Regina Barcena, Director of Supply Chain Strategy at The Hershey Company, as a recent addition to the AWESOME network. In a recent interview, Regina shared insights from her remarkable career journey, offering valuable lessons learned along the way.

Regina Barcena is a Supply Chain leader focused on Operational Excellence with a successful
track record of delivering high-profile, complex projects within the Supply Chain. In her current
role as Director of Supply Chain and Network Strategy, she is responsible for developing
strategies to maximize efficiency of the supply chain while developing manufacturing capabilities
across the enterprise.

During her 15 years at Hershey, she has worked in a variety of Supply Chain roles, including
Manufacturing, Strategy, Continuous Improvement, Six Sigma and Food Safety & Quality.
Regina is passionate about developing people and enjoys working across multiple teams to
solve complex problems and improve efficiencies while leveraging data and technology.

Regina received a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Operations Management,
followed by an Executive MBA from Georgetown University McDonough School of Business.
She is a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt. Regina serves as Member of Board of Directors
for DISCOVER, a non-profit organization that aims to create positive change and foster
inclusivity in the supply chain industry.

Welcome, Regina! We’re honored to have you as part of our community.


I’m so happy to welcome you to the AWESOME community. I’d love to know what about our network makes you excited.

Regina Barcena

I’m really excited to be part of the community. I find it inspiring and exciting to see other women within supply chain…being part of a community that’s working to increase the representation of women in this industry is great. Within Hershey, I’m actively promoting more women into leadership roles, learning from other leaders, and sharing our journeys. I believe in sharing our knowledge to make it easier for the next generation. That’s a purpose I’m passionate about and it’s great to be connected with others who share that vision.


I love that. It’s like passing down knowledge to the next generation.


Exactly. Sometimes I reflect on what women have accomplished for us in the past. When I read about history, I’m amazed by the progress we’ve made. It makes me think about what I’m doing today, maybe even being the first woman to do something, and how it will benefit future generations. It’s important to consider how we can support others.


Is there a woman who inspires you?


Kathrine Switzer comes to mind. She was the first woman to run a marathon, which was inspiring because it showed that with time, things become easier. I admire those kinds of accomplishments.


Can you share any significant achievements or challenges that you’ve faced in your career and how did you overcome them and learn from them?


I joined the leadership team of a manufacturing plant in Virginia about eight years ago. Being one of the only women, and a Latina, in a leadership position in that area was challenging. At first, I questioned my decision to move there, feeling out of place. However, I realized the importance of gaining others’ trust and showing that diversity brings valuable perspectives. As I built a diverse team, we achieved great things together, which encouraged others to embrace diversity. I like to think of myself as an agent of change within that team, emphasizing the importance of trust and individual contributions, regardless of background.


In your opinion, what are some key opportunities and challenges women leaders in supply chain are facing?


There aren’t many women in leadership positions, so there are few role models for women starting their careers. Mentorship is so important…I’ve benefited greatly from having mentors throughout my career. I always try to be that supportive person for others, whether it’s encouraging someone to ask questions in a meeting or providing guidance. If we work together to amplify each other’s voices, we can make a significant difference.


That speaks a lot about being present in the room, aware of others, and anticipating what someone might need.


Absolutely. Whether I’m the one needing help or offering it, being part of a supportive community is essential. It’s about paying it forward and helping each other grow.


How do you balance the demands of leadership with personal and professional growth?


This has changed as I’ve grown older. At the very beginning, I was all about my professional career and would work every single hour to deliver results and grow. But I realized I was neglecting other parts of my life. So, I’ve learned to set boundaries and find things I love outside of work, like cooking, working out or traveling. It’s about finding balance and communicating your needs as you grow in your career.


You touched on mentorship. Do you mentor others?


Yes, I actually do have four or five mentors across the organization. I’m also the co-lead of a program called Partnering on Development within the supply chain at Hershey. We match mentors with mentees to develop minority and women within supply chain. It’s inspiring to see the impact of mentorship and networking.


What advice would you offer to women who are aspiring leaders in supply chain?


My advice to aspiring women leaders in supply chain is to always perform at your best. Whatever task you’re given, give it 200 percent. For example, if you’re responsible for cleaning a desk today, be the best desk cleaner out there… so exceed expectation in your current role is always the first step.

Strive to exceed expectations because people notice dedication and excellence. They see that and think, “I want to get there too.” But to reach your goals, you need a plan. Find someone who can help you create that path, someone who understands where you want to go, what skills you already have, and what you need to learn. 

Share your ambitions with others and build a network. When you tell people, “This is where I want to go,” they’ll help you get there. So, it’s about performing at your best, having a plan, sharing it with others, never stop learning and working towards improvement.


It’s like advocating for yourself at the same time.


Exactly. Finding passion in your professional career is key to success. It helps you build natural enthusiasm and enjoy what you do.