In a new video published on YouTube by Paradigm for Parity, six CEOs talk about why they pledged their companies to the goal of Paradigm for Parity: achieving gender parity in corporate leadership by 2030. One of the featured CEOs is Ann Drake, AWESOME Founder and CEO of DSC Logistics from 1994-2018.
In the video, Ann says, “Getting more women in leadership positions is really all about results…It’s where our markets are. It’s where our power is. It’s where the world is going.”
The other speakers are CEOs from American Electric Power; Lead Inclusively, Inc.; Edison International; BCW (Burson Cohn & Wolfe); and Accenture.
Paradigm for Parity (P4P) is a coalition of leading women CEOs, senior executives, founders, board members and business academics that has put forth a five-step action plan aimed at achieving a new norm in corporate leadership: one in which women and men have equal power, status, and opportunity.