Nina McLemore, well-known designer of professional women’s apparel, will return to the AWESOME Symposium this year with a special collection available for order by Symposium participants. Nina will display samples of her clothing line, which is geared toward helping professional women “dress for success,” outside the Symposium conference room.
All participants will be included in a drawing to win one of three $100 gift certificates toward a Nina McLemore purchase. Winners will be announced just before lunch on Thursday, April 28. In addition, 15% of all purchases made during the Symposium will be donated to AWESOME.
Nina, who took part in the 2015 Symposium as a panelist in the session featuring C-suite level women in other fields, designs a collection of clothing to “address the needs of senior professional and executive women and women who are active in their communities. There is a significant void in the apparel industry of clothes for women who want beautiful, elegant, colorful, well made clothing that fits and is appropriate for their position and lifestyle.”