In 2013, when Ann Drake realized women’s supply chain leadership was at a tipping point and it was time to take action instead of waiting for something to happen, she was determined that any initiative or organization would involve the broadest possible range of companies, areas of focus and senior leadership roles. That first year, she tested the concept by finding – and then inviting – approximately 200 women to come together for an all-day Symposium. Most of the women had never met each other. No one really knew there were that many senior women executives in the profession and there was until then no way for them to come together
AWESOME has grown steadily since then – with more women advancing to higher positions and more women connecting with each other. The community now includes more than 1,600 women – and still represents a wide spectrum, including manufacturers, distributors, retail, supply chain service providers, and companies in technology, aerospace, hospitality, and more.
In 2014 — the second year of AWESOME’s existence – Ann invited some of the most enthusiastic women to become members of an Advisory Board. They accepted. And the Board has been meeting several times a year ever since, concentrating on plans and priorities with AWESOME leadership.
“I can definitely say that AWESOME has grown because AWESOME leaders believe in it. They see immeasurable value in being part of this far-ranging, far-reaching community, and the Advisors are on the leading edge of that,” explained Ann.
AWESOME’s new CEO Michelle Dilley knew right away when she came on board last July that the Advisory Board would be a tremendous resource going forward. She said their exceptional knowledge and their collaborative spirit helps AWESOME extend its reach and its influence.
“Who we are hasn’t changed. We’re still bringing senior women supply chain leaders together and we’re providing opportunities for connecting, learning, collaboration, recognition and inspiration,” she said. “But we are adapting to changing circumstances and tapping into our Advisors and others in our community to come up with evolutionary ways – and revolutionary ways – to advance women’s leadership and transform the supply chain industry.”
“We are adapting to changing circumstances and tapping into our Advisors and others in our community to come up with evolutionary ways – and revolutionary ways – to advance women’s leadership and transform the supply chain industry.”
-Michelle Dilley, AWESOME CEO
Read bios of our AWESOME Advisors…
Who are they and what experience do they bring to AWESOME?