At Syracuse University recently, two AWESOME leaders were presented with prestigious Salzberg Medallions, and an AWESOME Scholar was recognized as the University’s outstanding supply chain management undergraduate. The presentations coincided with the celebration of the 100th Anniversary of the Martin J. Whitman School of Management’s H.H. Franklin Center for Supply Chain Management, considered the nation’s first supply chain management program.
The Salzberg Medallion was presented to Ann Drake, AWESOME founder, for her lifetime achievements. In accepting the award, Ann told the story of her career journey and the unexpected circumstances and decisions that led her to become CEO of DSC Logistics, a role she fulfilled from 1994 through 2018. Read her remarks. While at Syracuse to participate in the celebration, Ann also met in an informal setting with students to talk about supply chain as a career choice and to offer leadership lessons.
The Salzberg Medallion for supply chain excellence was presented to Johnson & Johnson, and Kathy Wengel, J&J’s EVP and Chief Global Supply Chain Officer and an AWESOME Advisor, accepted the award on her company’s behalf. Syracuse noted that J&J is ranked #8 by Gartner in its 2019 Supply Chain Top 25 index, making it the highest-ranked healthcare supply chain included on the prominent cross-industry list of large cap (>12B) company supply chains.
Alyson Weber, a 2019 AWESOME Scholar, was awarded the Zinsmeister Prize as outstanding supply chain management undergraduate.
The year 2019 also marks the 70th anniversary of the Salzberg Memorial Lecture Program. During the event, hosted annually by Whitman’s H.H. Franklin Center for Supply Chain Management, industry executives from leading corporations share insights into trends, advancements and innovation in the fields of supply chain management, supply chain management transportation and logistics.