Media shows interest in Awesome Action Agenda

October 31, 20182 minute read

Since AWESOME released “16 Ways to Make Waves and Advance Women’s Leadership,” the report has been featured and leaders have been quoted in a number of online publications interested in the topic of women’s leadership.

An article on quotes Heather Sheehan, Executive Director of AWESOME, as saying “Women in supply chain face the challenge of navigating their way to top levels of leadership in an industry traditionally dominated by men. We believe the best intelligence about how to create change can come from those on the ‘front lines.’”

The article explains that material for the AWESOME Action Agenda was compiled from brainstorming sessions at the 2018 AWESOME Symposium involving leading women in supply chain.

A story on identifies some of the specific actions identified in the report, including sharing more on social media, connecting with colleges as a speaker, attending college career fairs, emphasizing connection to technology and sustainability, and talking about how supply chain impacts top line and bottom line.

The story also mentions the 2018 AWESOME/Gartner Women in Supply Chain Research showing that the percentage of women at most levels in the supply chain remains flat while the very top levels (Chief Supply Chain Officer, EVP, SVP and Chief Procurement) have improved only slightly. Nancy Nix, AWESOME Executive Director Emeritus has this comment: “We know that a strong pipeline is critical for gaining more women leaders in the future, so having a lack of progress at many levels is a major problem.”

The articles link readers to the full Action Agenda and the Women in Supply Chain Research.