Women as Industry Experts

August 10, 20171 minute read

In addition to the Mega Session powered by AWESOME at 8:30 am on Wednesday, Sept. 27 at the CSCMP Edge Conference in Atlanta, we want to recognize and commend all women participating as speakers and panelists at the conference. Women in supply chain have so much expertise to share on a broad range of topics.

We’d like to specifically highlight Ann Drake, AWESOME Founder, Mary Long, and Michelle Livingstone, both AWESOME Advisors, who are speaking in track sessions.

Here are the details:

Monday September 25
2-3:15 pm

Decisions Determine Your Destiny

Hear from some of the supply chains most seasoned professionals, former Distinguished Service Award winners and long time CSCMP advocates as they debunk the theory of “work hard and get lucky.”

Monday, September 25
2-3:15 pm

Omnichannel – Not just a Retail Challenge

Omnichannel is becoming boon or bane of retailer success. Product companies & service providers are also stakeholders who face omni-challenges. Join us for an interactive, thought-provoking working session on changing retail landscape & implications.