Solutions to the supply chain talent gap

January 05, 20161 minute read

160106nndcvDr. Nancy Nix, AWESOME Executive Director, was interviewed on video recently by Mitch MacDonald for DC Velocity. She pointed out that the changing skill sets required to be an effective supply chain leader today call for someone who has both “breadth and depth” – a broad understanding of “cross functional interactions and business implications of supply chain as well as deep technical and functional skills.”

According to Dr. Nix, “If you don’t understand the strategic implications of supply chain, you can’t make effective decisions in the world you’re living and working in.” She suggested several important steps, including building strong university programs in supply chain and also tapping into the huge talent pool of women with potential to be supply chain leaders – which she said still remains a mostly “untapped” resource.

She also explained AWESOME’s goal to help companies and women leaders find ways to remove some of the barriers that exist for women and to help maximize the potential of women’s leadership.

Dr. Nix was a panelist at the MHI Executive Summit & Annual Conference last fall in a program powered by AWESOME.