On Monday, September 28, two sessions of the global conference of the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP) will consist of panelists who are AWESOME leaders. These sessions, powered by AWESOME, are on the topics of Women in the C-Suite: Leadership Lessons from the Top and The Importance of Diversity in Strategic Sourcing.
The C-Suite session takes place on September 28 at 10:30-11:45 a.m.
Panelists include: Ann Drake, CEO, DSC Logistics; Debbie Lentz, SVP, Chief Supply Chain Officer, Toys“R”Us; and Kathy Wengel, VP, Johnson & Johnson Supply Chain (JJSC).Moderator is Dr. Nancy Nix, Executive Director, AWESOME.
Also on Monday, the Diversity in Strategic Sourcing takes place at 3:45-5:00 p.m.
Panelists are: Anu Hans, Group CPO & VP Pharmaceuticals, Johnson & Johnson; Cathy Kutch, Director of Supplier Relations and Diversity, Kellogg Company; and Eugene Campbell, VP of Supplier Diversity, The Walt Disney Company. Moderator is Mary Long, VP, Logistics & Network Planning, Domino’s Pizza.